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bLU cRU Oceania Junior Cup Profile: Lucas Quinn

This week’s bLU cRU Oceania Junior Cup racer in profile is a graduate of the same program that has bred top-class racers like MotoGP star Jack Miller and Asia Talent Cup winner Billy Van Eerde. Townsville’s Lucas Quinn is a graduate of the Road Racing Assiociation of Townsville’s Junior Corporate Cup (JCC) program, and is looking to emulate the success of his home-town heroes in the 2019 Oceania Junior Cup before joining them on the world stage. 

Yet another talented contender in this year’s red-hot Oceania Junior Cup field, the young Queenslander has already tasted success in Supermoto and Dirt Track. Now shifting his focus to road racing, Quinn has his sights set on an international Moto3 career, and sees the Oceania Junior Cup as a key stepping-stone to international racing through the opportunities provided to progress to the Idemitsu Asia Talent Cup, Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup, and beyond.

On a race weekend, you’ll find him listening to ‘My Life’ by Aussie musical group Bliss n Eso to get himself in the zone to perform, and lists his favourite racetrack as Sepang in Malaysia.

Tell us about where your love for motorcycle racing began and why?
When I was younger, I grew up watching my dad and my other mates riding around. As I got older, dad bought me a quad bike to get me started and then as I got older still, dad bought me a bigger bike, and that’s how I got into racing.

I first started racing in Supermoto, which I still continue to ride in and compete in alongside the bLU cRU Oceania Junior Cup.

Tell us about the first time you hopped on a motorcycle.
I was honestly a little bit scared, I think because it was a big machine and it was different to anything else I’d ever done before. But I eventually got the hang of it, thanks to my Dad holding onto the back, and we would ride around in the backyard. Dad and I would then go to the salt flats on weekends to ride around and get more experience.

Thinking back, tell us about one of your favourite memories growing up when it comes to motorcycling?
One of my favourite memories is when I did my first title event, which was the Queensland Supermoto titles, which I won! It was a confidence boost that’s for sure!
Apart from that, I’ve also won titles at the Australian Junior Dirt Track Championship in Tamworth and Port Macquarie.

I just love Supermoto and Dirt Track so much! I love how Supermoto is a totally different discipline, even when it comes to the tyres. Dirt Track is a lot of fun as well and I get to enjoy it with my mates. Funnily enough, my racing in Dirt Track didn’t affect my riding style in Road Race, especially when it comes to getting my knee out. I think in fact that Dirt Track really helped me in getting comfortable in Road Racing.

My first Road Race experience was when I turned 11 and I competed in the Junior Corporate Challenge (JCC) set up by the Road Racing Association of Townsville, which has seen the likes of Jack Miller (MotoGP) and Billy Van Eerde (2018 Asia Talent Cup Champion) come through the ranks! From there, I felt super comfortable on the bike and out on the track, so the rest is history!

What career do you hope to end up in? For example, WSBK or MotoGP racer?
I want to head towards a career in Moto3! I’m hoping to get there through Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup and Asia Talent Cup.

Tell us who your sporting idol is. How have they impacted you and your love for motorcycling?
Jack Miller is my biggest sporting idol. Apart from the fact that he’s a Townsville guy like me, he started off doing Dirt Track and MX, just like me! I’ve also been lucky enough to meet him and he was pretty impressed that I was locked in to do the 2019 bLU cRU Oceania Junior Cup! I try and emulate his dedication to the sport and match the amount of effort he puts in. He also doesn’t pretend to be anyone else, he’s simply comfortable being himself.

What have you learnt from the bLU cRU Oceania Junior Cup?
The biggest thing I have learnt is how to properly and comfortably corner, specifically for Road Race. It’s great that we learn through Ohlins and Pirelli how the tyres and suspension work and how the tyres wear.

I also have learnt a lot from our coach, Damian Cudlin. He’s taught me how to improve my starts and bettering my concentration, especially before a race. It’s easy to listen to Damian too, because he has all that experience from MotoGP.

Tell us about your bike, helmet, leathers, gloves and boots. How are you adjusting to the new bike? How do you find the products that have been chosen specially for you?
The leathers are super comfortable and easy to walk around in! I also love the boots because they’re comfortable and supportive.

The AGV helmet is excellent too, especially because instead of having a buckle they use a clip, which makes them extra comfortable and user friendly.
We’re really lucky to have products which are designed to fit us!

The Yamaha has everything you need. It’s got speed – it’s got everything and I love it! The best part about this bike is that the field is more competitive because everyone has the same bike, so you have to be more skilled, rather than relying on speed from the bike.

We will release profiles from the class of 2019 each week, so be sure to stay tuned on your favourite star by heading to and following the bLU cRU Oceania Junior Cup Facebook page!